Rapid Enroll
4807 Evanswood Dr.
Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 310-0430
4480 Refugee Rd.
Columbus, OH 43232
(614) 269-0150
190 Southwood Ave.
Columbus, OH
(614) 545-2000
Rapid RE-Enroll
4807 Evanswood Dr.
Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 310-0430
4480 Refugee Rd.
Columbus, OH 43232
(614) 269-0150
190 Southwood Ave.
Columbus, OH
(614) 545-2000
Important Dates!
Board Meetings
East/West Board Meetings: Focus East & Focus West boards meet the third Wednesday of each month at 4480 Refugee Rd., Columbus, OH 43232. Meetings are held in the Second Floor Media Arts Lab at approximately noon (East) and 12:45pm (West).
North Board Meetings: Focus North High School board meets the third Thursday of each month at 4807 Evanswood Drive, Columbus, OH 43229. Meetings are held at approximately 4:30pm in the second floor cafeteria.
Board meetings are open to the public. For additional info please call 614. 394.3710

Focus On Your Future
The Focus Schools are categorized as “Drop-Out Recovery” schools by the State of Ohio. What that means is that students who have struggled within other schools, or needed to withdraw from their education due to life circumstances have a chance to enroll within one of our three schools for free to complete their high school education.
Focus provides a proven track record of success over nearly two decades – helping students earn their high school diploma on their terms and on their schedule. Free enrollment is available to students ages High School Freshman through age 22.

Why Choose Focus...?
Graduate at your own pace
Flexible daily schedule
Enrolling Freshmen to age 22
Online and Teacher led instruction
McGraw Hill and Pearson curriculum
Personalized educational plans
FREE year-round enrollment
Credits earned for employment
Career and Technical Education
Media Arts

Focus allows students of any background between the ages of Freshman and 22 years old a free education to earn their high school diploma at their own pace.
Important Links
Contact Now
- Kathy Williams (Executive Director)
- 4480 Refugee Road, Suite 201
- Columbus, OH 43232
- Phone: (614) 269-0150
- Fax: (614) 859-1299
- Email: [email protected]