The following are public notices that are required by either Federal, State, or City legislation for broad public dissemination:
Child Find Policy
The School supports and complies with all applicable federal and state laws, procedures and policies regarding the School’s child find responsibilities. The School will conduct all child find activities for students with disabilities or suspected disabilities who are enrolled in the School (its geographical area) so that they are appropriately located, identified and referred for evaluation. Parents or guardians have the right to review their child’s records and refuse permission to release information (except as required by, or permitted by, law to be released).
Pursuant to Ohio law, the School is required to perform the same child find duties as city, local, exempted village school districts, and will endeavor to adhere to its responsibilities in a manner that does not duplicate the duties of the city, local, or exempted village school districts.
A Child Find Notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the geographic area covered by the identification activity before any major identification activity.
See the Child Find Notice below (Legal references: 20 USC § 1412 et seq.; OAC 3301-51-03):
In accordance with Federal Regulations, Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act, Child Find Identification (34 CFR section 300.125, 300.451), Rule 3301-51-03(A) and (B) of the Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools Serving Children with Disabilities, this is notification that Focus Learning Academy, has a Child Find Policy for identifying, locating and evaluating all students with disabilities or suspected disabilities (grades nine through twelve) attending the district and in the geographical region who have a disability regardless of the severity of their disabilities, and who are in need of special education and related services.
Parents and others may contact Kathy Williams at (614) 269-0150 x2103 for further information or to request identification or other services.

Public School Choice
Notice of Public School Choice for Community Schools:
Focus North High Public School Choice
Focus East Public School Choice
Focus West Public School Choice
Extended Learning Plans
Focus Reimagined – Reopening Plan
In Person Instruction and Continuity of Service Plan
Focus North High School FY 2023 Consolidated ESEA Self-Survey
Download Here. If you would like to be involved in the development or management of the One Needs Assessment, please contact Kathy Williams, Ex Dir, at 614-394-3710
Title IX Resources 2024-2025
Title IX Final Rule
Title IX Final Rule – Summary
Title IX Assignments: 2024-2025
Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment (Unofficial Copy) PDF (6M)
Title IX: U.S. Department of Education Title IX Final Rule Overview PDF (553K)
Summary of Major Provisions of the Title IX Final Rule PDF
Fact Sheet: Final Title IX Regulation
Questions and Answers Regarding the Department’s Final Title IX Rule
OCR Webinar: Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment (Length: 01:11:29)
The First Amendment and Title IX: An OCR Short Webinar
OCR Short Webinar on How to Report Sexual Harassment under Title IX
Conducting and Adjudicating Title IX Hearings: An OCR Training Webinar
OCR Webinar on Due Process Protections under the New Title IX Regulations
OCR Webinar on New Title IX Protections Against Sexual Assault
OCR Blog: Effective Date and Retroactivity
OCR Blog: Live Hearings, Excluding Reliance on a Party’s Statements, and Verbal Conduct
OCR Blog: The Requirement to Update School Websites with Important Title IX Information
Anti-Bullying Notice
Anti-Bullying Policy can be reviewed by clicking here.
FAPE- Free and Appropriate Education
Local Professional Development Meeting
Info and Meeting Schedule 24-25
Focus School Closure Information And “Work From Home Days”
Equal Educational Opportunities Statement
All students attending the Focus family of schools will have equal educational opportunities.
Students have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, citizenship status, religion, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, marital status, pregnancy, age or disability, in all decisions affecting admissions; membership in school-sponsored organizations, clubs or activities; access to facilities, academic evaluations or any other aspect of school-sponsored activities. Any limitations with regard to participation in a school-sponsored activity are based on criteria reasonably related to that specific activity.
School Policies (Click To View)
For Equal Educational Opportunities Statement questions or concerns, please contact:
Kathy Williams
Title IX 504 Coordinator
Office: (614) 269-0150 x2103
Public Notice of Career-Technical Course Offerings Academic
The Focus schools of Columbus will offer the following career-technical courses this upcoming academic year. Career Based Intervention (CBI) – work-based learning opportunities to help students improve academic competence. Computer Skills and Keyboarding – designed to introduce students to the basics of computers and their use. Office XP and Business Foundations – gives students an introduction to the Microsoft Office Suite. Office Technology and Web Design – students learn about the latest trends in technology for the business environment.
Missing Children Programs & Resources
There are many programs available for missing children. Below are several links to resources you can use to learn more about programs available and preventive measure you can take to protect your children below.
- Missing Children Resource PDF
- Keep Your Children Safe PDF
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (
- Missing Persons Resources – Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost
Food Service and Wellness
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. The Board Of Directors of Focus believes that every child should be guided toward nutritious eating habits in order to maintain a healthy life style and combat obesity.
Also be sure to review our Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
The breakfast time for each location is as follows:
Southeast: 7-8am
Southwest: 8:30-9:15am
North: 7:30-8:30am
Student Wellness and Success Plan – Click Here
Free and Reduced Price School Meals Applications (Download). Select your desired application below and click for a PDF version.
Ohio Summer Food Service Program
CLICK HERE – or – Visit
Public Notice of Restraint & Seclusion Policy
Focus Schools believe that the school environment should be one that ensures the care, safety, and welfare of all students and staff members. Efforts to promote positive interactions and solutions to potential conflict should be exhaustive. In the event that an individual’s behavior presents a threat of imminent harm to self or others the use of approved physical intervention or seclusion strategies to maintain a safe environment may be used as a last resort. Please review the policy in detail by clicking here.
Please click here or call 614-269-0150 X2103 for more information.
ESSA,ESEA, IDEA Pub Hearing, EEO, School Choice
On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).The ESSA builds upon the critical work states and local educational agencies (LEAs) have
implemented over the last few years. To review all policy information regarding ESSA, ESEA, IDEA, EEO, and School Choice – Download This Document.
Please click here or call 614-269-0150 X2103 for more information.
Missing Children Programs & Resources
There are many programs available for missing children. Below are several links to resources you can use to learn more about programs available and preventive measure you can take to protect your children below.
- Missing Children Resource PDF
- Keep Your Children Safe PDF
- National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (
- Missing Persons Resources – Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost